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Monday, May 1, 2017

Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Town council members present: Jim Perkins, Tim Nottingham and Shirley Miller. Council member Lula Price was not present. PWD Mike Ventling, Chief of Police Ralph Dawson, Town Clerk Brenda Kansala and Town Attorney Hope Freeman were present.


Review and Adopt Agenda: Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Perkins to accept the agenda as written. Approved unanimously.


Minutes: Clerk to change the spelling Wilma to Wilm of the April 3 meeting notes. Motion by Perkins and seconded by Nottingham to approve the meeting notes and  minutes of the regular town council meeting of April 3, 2017, as corrected. Approved unanimously.


Bills: Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to accept the bills as presented. Approved unanimously.


Employee Reports:

Clerk report was read aloud by town clerk. Council received usage/billing summary, billing journal summary, accounts receivable summary, collections history, tax voucher detail, revenue voucher detail, combined check register, copy of Bank of Bridger bank statements, Valley Federal Credit Union bank statement, statement of expenditure budget vs actual and statement of revenue budget vs actual as reports. Motion by Miller and seconded by Perkins to accept the clerk report as presented. Approved unanimously.


Public works report by Mike Ventling: Discussion held on replacement of three broken windows at town shop with a bid of $810 for just glass replacement. Discussion held on two day class at Bozeman Public Works Department by Montana Rural Water on valves and hydrants to be held May 23rd and 24th with a cost of $300. Discussion on opening of bids on water well system in Billings at Great West Engineering on Thursday May 4. Discussion held on old valves at bulk water system. Great West would like to have a special meeting in Fromberg at 7 P.M. on May 15th .  They will have their recommendation for the bids for the water project. Mayor Anderson told council Nate Wilm is no longer with the town. He took another position. Discussion on meter reading system. Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to accept PWD report as presented. Approved unanimously.


Police report by Chief Ralph Dawson: Discussion held on welfare checks, theft of fuel, vandalism at bulk water plant, agency assists, domestic issues, animal control, alleged assault, UA on 15 year old male, transport of prisoner for town court, assisted elderly male who had fallen and could not get up, speeding citations, no insurance citations, no drivers license and  registration citations, parking warnings and U-Turn warnings. Complaint of dumpster on North Street parked on the street needs to be moved. Discussion held on diagonal parking. Discussion on trainings attended and upcoming trainings. Mileage sheet included. Officer Dawson has been requested to present “flag etiquette” to Cub Scouts in Bridger in May. Turned in purchase orders for practice ammo of $25.00 and  reimbursement of 3.50 for lunch for prisoner for the month of  April 2017. Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to approve the  police report and the purchase orders for $25. and $3.50.  Approved unanimously.


Zoning Committee – Cox / Van Rooyen: Annette Anderson said the zoning committee has approved the log home at 102 Lovers Lane for Joshua Cox. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Perkins to approve this zoning permit. Approved unanimously.  Annette Anderson said the zoning committee has also approved the new mobile home at 201 Blewett Drive for Janna VanRooyen and is HUD approved. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Miller to approve this zoning permit. Approved unanimously.


Correspondence: Clerk gave to council correspondence from MMIA liability, property program, workers compensation program and employee benefits program preliminary rates for the year  2017/2018 to review for next years budget.  Attorney Freeman gave to council Criminal Justice Agency Audit Report which was held on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 of the Fromberg/Joliet/Bridger city attorney's offices, focusing on policy compliance. This audit found they were in full compliance with all areas audited. Discussion held on letter found in town hall drop box with no signature asking about zoning for someone building onto their house on School Street. Mayor Anderson and council member Miller said drove by and no issues. Not adding a just wheel chair ramp.


Advertising for Public Works Employee: Discussion held. Will wait to advertise.


Review Proposed Ordinance to Police Department Title 2 – Chapter 3: Handouts given to council. Attorney Freeman said she and Mr. Nottingham went through the ordinances regarding the police department were antiquated and added language which is in bold. What is in red is proposed to be taken out of the current ordinances. What is in bold is what they want to amend or add to the current ordinances. One ordinance can change the language from Town Marshall to Chief of Police in all the current chapters. Defined what Reserve Officers are and what qualifications are necessary. Gave to council for review and if nothing more to be added or deleted she will put them in ordinance form instead of code form. Clerk to post the changes. Attorney Freeman said can have first reading at the next meeting in June and second reading in July at council meetings. Mayor asked for comments.


Review Proposed Police Department Policy, MLEA Handbook: MLEA is Montana Law Enforcement Academy. Handouts of addendum’s were given out for our own police department from Nottingham and his committee. Discussion held. Council will review and will be on the agenda at the next meeting.


Old Business:  Ventling asked for council approval for class in Bozeman on May 23rd and 24th at a cost of $300. Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to approve this class. Approved unanimously. Discussion held on Fromberg Days to be held August 26th. Anyone planning to have an ''Event'' selling alcohol, example: street dance or alcohol at the horse shoe pits in the park, needs to fill out a Special Event Policy Application 45 days prior to the event and have at council meeting for approval. Discussion held.


Public Comment: (For those items not on the agenda) Jerry Hall discussed small children riding bikes in the street on  School Street who live in trailer house.


Next Regular Town Council Meeting Date: Monday, June 5, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall of Fromberg.


Adjourn: Motion by Perkins and seconded by Nottingham to adjourn the meeting.  Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned.

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