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  • Monday, March 6, 2017 Menu


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Monday, March 6, 2017

Council President James A. Perkins called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Richard Anderson was not in attendance as he has had surgery. Town council members present: Lula Price, Tim Nottingham and Shirley Miller. PWD Mike Ventling, Chief of Police Ralph Dawson, Town Clerk Brenda Kansala were present. Not present Attorney Hope Freeman.


Review and Adopt Agenda: Motion by Miller to move agenda item #7 Zoning Committee up on the agenda to #6 below #5 Bills. Motion by Price and seconded by Nottingham to approve the agenda with the amendment to move the agenda item #7  Zoning Committee below agenda item #5 Bills. Approved unanimously.


Minutes: Motion by Miller to amend the minutes under Old Business concerning the Independent Survey Committee meeting to change the date to April 3, 2017. Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to approve the minutes as amended. Approved unanimously.


Bills: Motion by Price and seconded by Miller to accept the bills as presented. Approved unanimously.


Zoning Committee: Mike Semmler turned in a zoning application to zoning committee. Miller stated the committee has recommended to turn the application down. Semmler said used to be two lots with address of 202 and 204 East River Street but has been combined into one lot but can call Red Lodge to have them uncombined. Discussion held. Ventling will check with D.E.S. Fire Warden Tom Kohley on footage between trailers and get information to clerk for Mr. Semmler. Need measurements on zoning application. Clerk to mail Mr. Semmler new zoning application.


Employee Reports:

Clerk report was read aloud by town clerk. Mayor Anderson said he appreciates everyone's hard work in his absence and he will be at the April council meeting. Clerk gave handouts of the Monday, March 13 Growth Policy discussion meeting with presenter Monica Plecker, Community Planner with CTA Architects. Council received usage/billing summary, billing journal summary, accounts receivable summary, collections history, tax voucher detail, revenue voucher detail, combined check register, copy of Bank of Bridger bank statements, statement of expenditure budget vs actual and statement of revenue budget vs actual as reports. Motion by Price and seconded by Miller to accept the clerk report as presented. Approved unanimously.


Public works report by Mike Ventling: Discussion held on fuel tanks for shop. Discussion on confined space rescue air equipment for a cost of $4,114.45 which Bridger will split the cost. Motion by Price and seconded by Nottingham to purchase this confined space equipment with the understanding Bridger will split the cost 50/50. Approved unanimously. Discussion held on employee use of town equipment. Ventling stated to Town received a $12,000 John Deere 675B skid steer for the cost of shipping which was $800. Ventling said needs new windshield in truck for the cost of $150. installed. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Price to approve new windshield in truck. Approved unanimously. Discussion on Master meter system. Discussion on access into building for ramp and doors for wheel chairs. Motion by Miller and seconded by Price to accept PWD report as presented. Approved unanimously.


Police report by Chief Ralph Dawson: Discussion held on welfare checks, theft, agency assists, intoxicated female, animal control,  pending warrant, vehicle assist stuck on ice, speeding violations, lost trailer plate report provided, upset citizen as cleared snow for his parking not the neighbor and warning for “U turn”. Discussion on trainings attended, upcoming trainings and vacation time. Portable radio repair service fee $75 at Industrial Communications. Mileage sheet included. Discussion on purchase of  ballistic vest for a cost of $1000. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Price to purchase the vest for $1000. Approved unanimously. Turned in purchase order for practice ammo of $25.00  for the month of February 2017. Marge Taylor said would like to see more revenue brought in by police department. Short discussion on cars on highway. Nottingham held short discussion after visiting with Attorney Freeman.

Motion by Price and seconded by Nottingham to approve the purchase of practice ammo for $25.00 for the month of February 2017 and to approve the police report. Approved unanimously.


Correspondence: None.


Resolution # 465: A Resolution By The Town Of Fromberg, Montana To Execute Two Easements As  Negotiated Between Mike J. And Kelle M. Ventling And The Town Of Fromberg. This resolution was read aloud by Council President Jim Perkins. Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to accept this resolution. Approved unanimously.


Old Business: Nottingham said instead of looking at a police commission they are are looking at an ad hoc or standing committee.  Discussion held.


Public Comment: (For those items not on the agenda) None.


Next Regular Town Council Meeting Date: Monday, April 3, 2017, at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall of Fromberg.


Adjourn: Motion by Miller and seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting.  Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned.

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