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  • Monday, June 6 , 2016 Menu


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Monday, June 6 , 2016

7:00 PM


Mayor Richard Anderson called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge Of Allegiance.  Town council members present: Jim Perkins, Tim Nottingham, Shirley Miller and Lula Price.  PWD Mike Ventling, Chief of Police Ralph Dawson, Town Clerk Brenda Kansala and Attorney Hope Freeman were present.


Review and Adopt Agenda: Bill Rivers requested zoning be moved up on the agenda under employee reports. Motion by Perkins and seconded by Nottingham to move the Zoning Committee up on the agenda under Employee  Reports. Approved unanimously. Motion by Perkins and seconded by Price to approve the agenda as changed. Approved unanimously.


Minutes: Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Miller to approve the minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting May 2, 2016. Approved unanimously.


Bills: Nottingham had questions regarding repairs on Chief Dawson police Tahoe. Discussion held. Council will hold more discussion on this topic at the next budget workshop. Motion by Price and seconded by Perkins to approve the bills as presented. Approved unanimously.


Employee Reports:

Clerk report was read aloud by town clerk. Council received usage/billing summary, billing journal summary, accounts receivable summary, collections history, tax voucher detail, revenue voucher detail, combined check register, and Bank of Bridger bank statements as reports. The statement of expenditure budget vs actual and statement of revenue budget vs actual are at the end of the agenda items to go with the 2015-2016 budget review. Clerk thanked Mike Ventling and Nate Wilm for repairing the Town Hall front door. Motion by Price and seconded by Perkins to accept the clerk report as presented. Approved unanimously.


Public works report by Mike Ventling: Discussion held on mowing, watering, meter reading system, work on well tentative schedule Monday June 13, curb stops needing to be replaced, nitrate testing. Ventling stated community service workers scraping and painting Town Shop, Town Hall, concessions at ball field and chlorine house. Mayor asked Ventling about discussion of painting and cost of paint. Ventling said had discussion last year of painting the shop and cost of paint approximately $200. Ventling said needs asphalt and gravel and will get costs to present to council at July council meeting. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Miller to approve PWD report. Approved unanimously.


Police report by Chief Ralph Dawson: Discussion held on welfare check, trespass, stalking, vandalism,

agency assists, 3 MIP and 1 adult contributing, domestic issues, animal control, assault, CPS walkins, disorderly, report of rotten deer, cease and desist of door to door salesman until business license in hand, B-B gun warning, weed warning letters sent based upon complaint, no insurance associated with Justice Court warrant, drivers license suspended / revoked associated with Justice Court warrant, evicted person at Anderson  trust having issues, parking and U turn warnings. Discussion on trainings attended and upcoming trainings. Discussion on service of police Tahoe. Tahoe still has a miss and he has to take it back. Dawson will be on vacation June 15 through June 20. Requested $20. for practice ammo for the month of June.  Miller had question on reserve police officer and why it did not go through council to get one and why does the Town need a reserve police officer. Dawson said under his jurisdiction to hire or fire reserves.  Discussion held. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Miller to approve the police report including purchase order of $20. for practice ammo. Approved unanimously.


Zoning Committee: Mike Semmler purchased two properties at 202 and 204 East River. Bill Rivers said had old trailer on property at 202 East River tore it down and wanted to put another trailer on property years ago but council refused it. Semmler started getting billed for water and sewer  at 202 East River in March 2016 as new rates went into effect and since getting bill wants to know if can put something on second lot to rent out as hookups already there. Discussion held. Clerk had not been advised these two properties had been combined with the Carbon County Assessor in Red Lodge. Council will check with DEQ and will check out RV policies and get back to him. Clerk to refund $90. to Semmler for the months of March and April and to remove the charges of $45. for the month May and combine properties. Bill Rivers said the Lorene Johnson at 24 Harley zoning application will be approved but she must move the carport back 15 feet from the property line. Rivers said she is aware of that. Rivers said fence, shed and two garbage cans in alley are approved. Annette Anderson said Lorene is aware she needs to come back to council for a new zoning permit when ready for covered porch. Discussion held. Motion by Miller and seconded by Perkins to approve this zoning permit with the  15 foot carport set back. Approved unanimously.  Bill Rivers said zoning committee did approve Steven Soelter of 5 Bartlett zoning application to build a 26' X 30' new construction pole-post frame building on the rear corner of his lot by the alley. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Price to approve his zoning application. Approved unanimously.


Correspondence: Mayor Anderson read aloud  letter council received from Mike and Diane Dalin owners of the Two Bear Tavern letting council know they will be having their Annual Anniversary Party and pig roast starting at 6:00 PM on Friday, June 24th, with live music on the patio and would like permission for the band to play from 8:30 PM until 1:30 AM on June 25th asking permission to rope off the front sidewalk on West River Street and to lift the open container law for the evening on the sidewalk. Their patio is in their floorplan. They would also like to be allowed to use Carbon County Reserves for police protection in order to keep their costs down. Mike Dalin was at this meeting. Mayor Anderson asked Chief Dawson to discuss his recommendations. Discussion held on Town of Fromberg Special Events Policy with the 45 day notice. Discussion held. Mike Dalin said will not rope off sidewalk and will keep people in his floorplan and will have the music close down at 1 AM as to clear the site on time. Attorney Freeman interjected the Town of Fromberg Events Policy is for using public property.  If not using public property and not asking permission to use public property and not selling alcohol on public property she does not see security is needed. Further discussion held. Council thanked Dalin for letting council know of function. Council said they were alright with decision. Dalin invited everyone to attend.


Bulk Water Building: Discussion held on tear down of the old building. Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to tear down the old bulk water building and salvage what they can. Approved unanimously.


Hope Freeman – Personnel Policy: Attorney Freeman made revisions to the personnel policy suggested by MMIA Insurance Company. All council members had copy to review. Discussion held. Council will review at July 11Town Council Meeting. Clerk to send revisions to MMIA for review and approval.


Police Department Policy and Procedures Review: Shirley Miller said Tim Nottingham is unofficial chairman of  committee to set up Police Department Policy and Procedures Review Study Commission. Discussion held. Motion by Miller and seconded by Price to set up this committee. Approved unanimously. Mayor Anderson asked Nottingham if he was willing to serve as chairman of this committee. His answer was yes. He was appointed as chairman. Attorney Freeman said these meetings will need to be posted, must have an agenda, clerk to record and take work session notes  and open to the public. This committee is to bring recommended changes back to council for vote. Council members attending will get paid for these meetings. Discussion held. No date set yet.


2016 – 2017 Preliminary Budget: Council will hold a budget workshop Monday June 27th at 7 PM open to the public. Special Town Council Meeting to be held Monday June 20th at 7 PM Great West Engineering on sewer project open to the public.


Old Business: Clerk gave council explanation of Judge Schara budget.


Public Comment: (For those items NOT on the agenda): Irwin Sankey had a request to take down the stop signs on School Street and enforce the 15 MPH speed limit. Discussion held. Discussion held on bulk water building. Annette Anderson said Clarks Fork Valley Museum will be open at the end of this month. Historic Preservation – it is possible Fromberg is going to get the oldest school building in Carbon County as Red Lodge did not want it. Mrs Anderson said she has brought books in the Town Hall office for persons to read from Fromberg born authors or about the area and Elk Basin. School will be open on Fromberg Days with 100 years of graduation pictures to view. Cards will be for sale at museum for $4.00 each including envelopes. Discussion held on building at 115 West River Street.


2015-2016 Budget:  Will review at work shop.


Next Regular Town Council Meeting Date: Monday, July 11, 2016, at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall of Fromberg.


Adjourn: Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to adjourn the meeting.  Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned.

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