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Monday, January 9, 2017

Mayor Richard Anderson called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Town council members present: Jim Perkins, Lula Price, Tim Nottingham and Shirley Miller. PWD Mike Ventling, Chief of Police Ralph Dawson, Town Clerk Brenda Kansala and Town Attorney Hope Freeman  were present.


Review and Adopt Agenda: Miller said she would like to make a correction to the agenda. Item # 10 Survey Results From Fromberg Improvement Committee Survey she said she would like it to read Survey  Results From Independent Committee as Fromberg Improvement Committee had nothing to do with this survey. Miller said she forgot to change heading on the paperwork.  Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Miller to approve the agenda. Approved unanimously.


Minutes: Mayor Anderson said because he renewed the the town website before the end of the year the town received website for $125. which is the old price for one more year then will go to $400. Motion by Perkins and seconded by Price to accept the minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting of December 5, 2016, as presented.  Approved unanimously.


Bills: Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Perkins to accept the bills. Approved unanimously.


Employee Reports:

Clerk report was read aloud by town clerk. Council received usage/billing summary, billing journal summary, accounts receivable summary, collections history, tax voucher detail, revenue voucher detail, combined check register, copy of Bank of Bridger bank statements, Valley Federal Credit Union bank statement, statement of expenditure budget vs actual and statement of revenue budget vs actual as reports. Mayor asked council if they had any questions on last months employee reports since council eliminated them for last month agenda. The answer was no questions.  Discussion on budget. Motion by Price and seconded by Nottingham to accept the clerk report as presented. Approved unanimously.


Public works report by Mike Ventling: Busy snowplowing roads. Discussion held on water meters not reading and the possibility of getting grant monies to purchase new reading system. Backhoe hoses getting warn out, seals starting to leak and front tires needed in the future. Need new windshield on 1994 Dodge Ram pickup. Cost $150. per Ventling. Clerk to check with MMIA for insurance. Motion by Miller and seconded by Perkins to accept PWD report. Approved unanimously.


Police report by Chief Ralph Dawson: Discussion held on welfare check, trespass, theft, vandalism, agency assists, domestic issues, animal control, assaults, warrants served, teens obstructing traffic, teens skipping school, citizen assist with broken garage door, speeding violations, stop sign violations and parking violations. Discussion on trainings attended and upcoming trainings. Turned in purchase orders for practice ammo of $25.00 each for the months of November an December 2016. Motion by Miller and seconded by Nottingham to approve police report. Approved unanimously. Motion by Miller and seconded by Price to approve the purchase of practice ammo for $25.00 each month for November and December 2016. Approved unanimously.


Zoning Committee: None


Correspondence: None.


Don Handeland – Water Bill: Handeland requested an adjustment off water bill getting a credit of $12.50 for water line break which was fixed immediately making usage 5,000 instead of 10,000. Motion by Price and seconded by Nottingham to allow this credit. Approved unanimously.


Survey Results From Independent Committee Survey: Handouts were given to council from the committee. Discussion held.  Miller said 347 surveys went out to Fromberg area residents and 53 were answered. They were anonymous and not required to sign. Miller said money for postage was donated and she donated her time, paper and ink to print these. This will be placed on the agenda for the council meeting for comments.


Ordinances and Police Committee – James Schuma: Shuma was not in attendance at this time.


Fromberg Growth Policy: Discussion held. Attorney Freeman said there are master plans and growth policies. If town wants to amend zoning ordinances as they stand must have a growth policy or adopt the counties growth policy. Council set Monday, March 13 at 7 PM to have growth policy discussion meeting.


James Schuma in attendance. Mayor Anderson asked Mr. Schuma if he would like to discuss his agenda topic. Shuma said he has been working with Miller and Nottingham. Discussion held on Police Committee having meetings to create and change policies and procedures for Fromberg Police Department.


Mayor Response To Citizen Letter Of December 5, 2016: Mayor Anderson read aloud his letter of response to this letter of December 5, 2016. Nottingham stated the Police Committee is reviewing budget and costs for the police department.


Police Department  Complaints, Issues Regarding Employee: Mayor Anderson asked Chief Dawson if he would like to have open meeting or closed executive session. Chief Dawson said closed executive session.  The reason for executive session is to discuss employee. Motion by Miller and seconded by Perkins to have an executive session. Approved unanimously. Executive session began at 8:15 PM and ended at 8:59 PM.


Water Well Site Easement – Mike Ventling: Discussion held and easement will be filed with the county. Motion by Miller and seconded by Perkins to approve this easement. Approved unanimously.


Old Business: None


Public Comment: (For those items not on the agenda) Shuma suggested changing the agenda when having executive sessions so it would be at end of meeting. Discussion held.


Next Regular Town Council Meeting Date: Monday, February 6, 2017, at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall of Fromberg.


Adjourn: Motion by Miller and seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting.  Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned.

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