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  • Monday, October 5, 2015 Menu


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Monday, October 5, 2015

7:00 PM


Mayor Richard Anderson called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge Of Allegiance.  Town council members present: Jim Perkins, Dave Flint and  Shirley Miller. Tim Nottingham was not present.  PWD Mike Ventling, Chief of Police Ralph Dawson, Town Clerk Brenda Kansala and Town Attorney Hope Freeman were present.


Review and Adopt Agenda: Motion by Flint and seconded by Perkins to move agenda item # 12 Zoning Committee up under agenda item #10 Carbon County Dispatch Services and adopt the agenda as amended.  Approved unanimously.


Minutes: Motion by Perkins and seconded by Miller to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing on the 2015-2016 preliminary budget held September 14, 2015 and the minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting September 14, 2015. Approved unanimously.


Bills: Motion by Flint and seconded by Perkins to approve the bills after amended distribution of account numbers regarding Cenex and Verizon bills using 5210 water and 5310 sewer account numbers and for health insurance employee distribution. Approved unanimously.


Employee Reports:

Clerk report was read aloud by clerk. Reminder of Fall Cleanup Friday, Saturday and Sunday October 16, 17 & 18. Council received usage/billing summary, billing journal summary, accounts receivable summary, collections history, tax voucher detail, revenue voucher detail and combined check register, statement of expenditure budget vs actual, statement of revenue budget vs actual and a copy of the Bank of Bridger bank statement as reports. Motion by Flint and seconded by Perkins to approve clerk report as presented. Approved unanimously.


Public works report by Mike Ventling:  Discussion on  laptop conversion $7,700.00, need sewer bugs four month supply $1,000., asphalt all gone, need new meter pit at Shank's, took out other water chamber at the pump house, had electrician repair lift station pump switches, moved piece of cement by post office as  had caved in and diverting water under the sidewalk. Motion by Flint and seconded by Miller to accept the PWD report including the purchase of sewer bugs. Approved unanimously.


Police report by Chief Ralph Dawson: Discussion held on: welfare check, theft, vandalism, curfew, agency assists, animal control, assaults/domestics, Child Protection Services regarding 3 year old, disorderly conduct, civil service/warrants, speeding citations, insurance citation, registration/ drivers license citations and stop sign citation. New tires on Tahoe. Motion by Flint and seconded by Miller to approve police report and approve the purchase of practice ammo. Approved unanimously.


Correspondence: Mayor Anderson read letter from Office of the Governor Steve Bullock announcing the Town of Fromberg has been awarded $450,000. from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for wastewater system improvements. Discussion held on bill and letter from Great West Engineering regarding Wastewater System Preliminary Engineering Report.

Ordinance # 262 Second Reading: An Ordinance Repealing Title 6, Chapter 7 (Dances), As No longer Applicable Once The Town of Fromberg Adopted The Special Events Policy. This ordinance was read aloud by Mayor Richard Anderson. Discussion held. Flint suggested to amend the wording in the second paragraph which said City Council to Town Council. Motion by Flint and seconded by Perkins to approve the second reading of Ordinance #262 as amended. Approved unanimously.


Ordinance # 263 Second Reading: An Ordinance To Establish Three Public Places For Posting Public Notices. This ordinance was read aloud by Mayor Richard Anderson. Motion by Perkins and seconded by Miller to accept Ordinance # 263 on the second reading. Approved unanimously.


Carbon County Sheriff Dispatch: Letter from Carbon County Commissioners hosting a meeting to be held in their Red Lodge office September 17. Discussion held. Attorney Freeman stated they are hosting another meeting October 22 in their office and welcomed attendance.


Zoning Committee: No issues.


Discussion – Town Utility Rates. Discussion held on utility rates. Discussion held on Sagr Systems PWD Ventling had visited and had talked with operators. Ventling stated his recommendation would be the  Sagr System over the Bio Lac System for lagoons. Mayor Anderson set rate workshops for Tuesdays October 13 and 20.


Old Business: Discussion held on contract to do final engineering to be received from Great West Engineering.


Other Business: None


Public Comment: (For those items NOT on the agenda): PWD Ventling said he and  Wilm will build own brush hog.


2015-2016 Budget: Discussion held.


Next Regular Town Council Meeting Date: Monday, November 2, 2015, at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall of Fromberg.


Adjourn: Motion by Miller and seconded by Perkins to adjourn the meeting.  Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned.

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