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Monday, April 3, 2017

Minutes For The Regular Town Council Meeting

                                             Monday, April 3, 2017

                                                                           7:00 PM


Mayor Richard Anderson reconvened the meeting. Council member Lula Price, PWD Mike Ventling and Chief of Police Ralph Dawson were present.


Review and Adopt Agenda: Motion by Miller and seconded by Perkins to approve the agenda as presented. Approved unanimously.


Minutes: Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Price to approve the minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting of March 6, 2017. Approved unanimously.


Bills: Motion by Price and seconded by Perkins to accept the bills as presented. Approved unanimously.


Employee Reports:

Clerk report was read aloud by town clerk. Council received usage/billing summary, billing journal summary, accounts receivable summary, collection history, tax voucher detail, revenue voucher detail, combined check register, copy of the Bank of Bridger bank statements, statement of expenditure budget vs actual and statement of revenue budget vs actual as reports. Motion by Perkins and seconded by Price to accept the clerk report as presented. Approved unanimously.


Public works report by Mike Ventling. Discussion held on fuel tanks for shop, shop garage doors, gravel on road to lagoons and windows for shop. Did receive the confined air space breathing equipment. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Perkins to purchase fuel tanks and fuel. Approved unanimously. Ventling will get prices for garage door repairs. Getting bids for gravel. Motion by Miller and seconded Nottingham to approve PWD report. Approved unanimously.


Police report by Chief Ralph Dawson. Discussion held on welfare checks, trespass, vandalism, agency assists, domestic issues, animal control, assaults, person too sleepy to drive took a break at the park, report of truancy, air soft pistol found at school, speeding,

no motor vehicle insurance, suspended license, vehicle registration expired and unsafe vehicle operation. Mileage sheet included. Turned in purchase order for practice ammo for month of March for $25. DJ Allen thanked officer Dawson for helping sleepy person to take a break at the park. Tim Nottingham thanked officer Dawson for spending more time on the highway. Motion by Miller and seconded by Perkins to accept police report as presented. Approved unanimously. Motion by Nottingham and seconded by Perkins to accept the purchase order for practice ammo for the month of March 2017. Approved unanimously.


Zoning Committee: None


Correspondence: Mayor Anderson discussed correspondence from MMIA employee benefit program anticipating a 3.9% preliminary medical rate adjustment. Mayor discussed letter from Fromberg Business Association dated March 3, 2017, regarding letter from them dated November 22, 2016. Letter was read and response was given verbally at next meeting. Randy Wike asked why hard copy of that letter not in correspondence file in clerks office. Mayor said he read his response into the record verbally. Attorney Freeman said she has found nothing that requires it to be in writing. Attorney Freeman said it has been recorded is available and the mayor responded. Discussion held on video camera. Mayor Anderson summarized a letter received from Tammy Taylor regarding council approval for a Kevlar vest in the amount of $1000. for Chief Dawson at Town Council Meeting on March 6, 2017 and his duties as an officer. Discussion held.


Business Application – Elton Kirtley: Mr. Kirtley said he would like to have several art fairs with some different artists joining him setting up in the park or his yard May 27 through May 29, July 14 through July 16 and August 26th  for Fromberg Days. Discussion held. Motion by Price and seconded by Miller to approve this business license application and no charge for the vendors on August 26th for Fromberg Days. Approved unanimously.


Floodplain Permit #17-01, Town of Fromberg: Mayor Anderson is the Floodplain Administrator for the Town of Fromberg. These forms were filled out with the help of Great West Engineering for well water project. Mayor Anderson explained the documents to persons in attendance. Discussion held.  Motion by Price and seconded by Nottingham to approve the Floodplain Permit with the variance  for the Town of Fromberg. Approved unanimously.


Update Meter Reading Hardware and Software: The Mastermeter equipment will cost about $20,000.

Discussion held.


Vehicle Parking – Discussion: Discussion held on persons having multiple vehicles and letting them sit. Discussion on junk vehicle ordinance.


Call For Growth Policy Study Commission:  Discussion held. Growth Policy Committee sign up will be on counter in office at Town Hall of Fromberg for persons to join in.


Spring Cleanup: Clerk has checked with Republic Services. Dates for Spring Cleanup will be Friday, April 21, Saturday, April 22 and Sunday April 23, 2017. With Bridger doing their cleanup the weekend after ours and both towns share both weekends per Republic Services.


Old Business: Mayor Anderson gave update on sewer lagoon project regarding gravel and water line.


Public Comment: (For those items NOT on the agenda): Marge Taylor asked about new subdivision. Mayor said possibly on the the hill. But owner has to go through the county on that. Discussion on new cement parking blocks on main street.


Next Regular Town Council Meeting Date: Monday, May 1, 2017, at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall of Fromberg.


Adjourn: Motion by Miller and seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting.  Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned.

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